Chief Executive Officer
Dr Shyamasri Biswas is Chief Executive Officer/ owner of USA Prime Biotech LLC. She received her PhD in biotechnology jointly from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India and University of Potsdam, Germany. During her PhD, she received the prestigious DAAD sandwich research fellowship to carry out her PhD work on a collaborative research project in Germany. After her PhD, she was a scientist in several labs in the United States that include University of Massachusetts, Worcester MA, North Carolina State University and the University of Florida at Gainesville. She has published her research works in numerous prestigious international journals including Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Journal of Biological Chemistry, to name a few. Dr. Biswas brings to the table her expertise in RNA, proteins, drug designs, structural biology and therapeutics. Dr. Biswas is executive publisher of Biotechnology Kiosk, a sister company of USA Prime Biotech.

Chief Scientific Officer and Director
Dr. Megha Agrawal is Chief Scientific Officer of USA Prime Biotech LLC. She has held senior academic positions at top-tier US institutions including University of Florida at Gainesville, Children’s National Medical Center in Washington DC and the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she was a research faculty and principal investigator. She received her Ph.D. in Biotechnology from the Indian Institute of Technology at Roorkee, which is one of the premier institutions in India with an outstanding reputation across the globe. Dr. Agrawal’s research has impacted significantly to initiate new areas in neurodegeneration, neuroprotection and novel approaches to treat cerebral stroke related injuries and prevention. Dr. Agrawal is directing various R&D programs including the biomarkers development. She brings to the table her expertise in neurodegenerative diseases, diagnostics, neuropharmacology and stroke. Dr. Agrawal is executive publisher of Biotechnology Kiosk, a sister company of USA Prime Biotech.

Consultant Scientist
Dr. Susan Fetics is based in Dublin, Ireland and works as a freelancer in scientific communications. She received a BS in chemistry from New York University, an MS in chemistry from Georgetown University and a PhD in biochemistry from North Carolina State University. She is an internationally recognized expert in Protein Crystallography. She has published her research in the fields of chemistry, genetics and structural biology. Following her PhD, she moved to Europe. Initially she lived in France and was a research fellow at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Gif-sur-Yvette. She then moved to Ireland to work at Trinity College Dublin. While at Trinity; she was awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions fellowship. Susan is mentor and teacher for young scientists. She is the current president of the International Chapter of Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) and advisory chair for Women in Research Ireland (WIRI). Susan is an advocate for gender equality, work-life balance and mental health awareness for scientists. She can be reached at susan.fetics@inmesolabs.net, also at twitter.com/SusanKathleenFe.

Dr Shreeparna Ghosh
Biostatistician and Consultant
Dr. Ghosh is a bio-statistician by training and she has several years of experience in study designs, data analysis, statistical inferences, monitoring tools development, evaluation and research. She holds a PhD in Population Studies from International Institute of Population Sciences at Mumbai in India. Her doctoral thesis was on tuberculosis patients’ treatment seeking behavior. She has worked on various widely used study designs in public health such as longitudinal study, randomized control design, case-control study, cross sectional and also qualitative studies. In addition, Dr. Ghosh has provided support to multiple assignments in the area of child immunization, non-communicable diseases, maternal and child health, nutrition and GIS assignments for several funding agencies like BMGF, NHLBI, UNICEF, Eli Lilli, Packard and Macarthur foundation, Welcome Trust-UK, UNDP etc.

Dr. Abhijit Biswas
Technical Director & Scientific Advisor
Abhijit is an entrepreneur and a biomaterials scientist and nanotechnologist. He has published 250+ papers and three text books in electrical engineering and he holds several patents. He was Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering in the Center for Nano Science and Technology at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, before switching to a business career. He serves on the editorial board of Vacuum Technology & Coating magazine and writes monthly columns on nanotechnology and photonics and microelectronics. Abhijit brings years of experience in scientific research initiatives and leading research projects in nanocomposites, materials for sustainable energy and materials for biomedical applications and bionanotechnology. He has been Principal Investigator on large R&D programs including SBIRs in partnerships with university, industry and government laboratories. He also worked with the directors and the senior executives of bio-manufacturing at Zimmer Corporations, Warsaw, Indiana to develop a transformational business plan on a novel bone regeneration scaffold technology (invented by him) that projected a net value of the technology to be $75 million with a potential of $300 million. He has been on the National Science Foundation’s proposal review panel in engineering and an invited reviewer for proposals in science and engineering for the Romanian Research Council in Romania and the Technology Foundations in the Netherlands. Abhijit founded multiple companies including USA Prime Biotech LLC that created a number of jobs in the USA.
Dr. Jin Koh PhD
Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Scientific Director
Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research (ICBR)
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Phone: (352) 273-8059; E-mail: jinkoh@ufl.edu
URL: https://biotech.ufl.edu/uf-directory/dr-jin-koh/
Dr. Bradlee L. Heckmann PhD
Director, Spatial Biology & Advanced Imaging
USF Health Neuroscience Institute
University of South Florida, 4001 E. Fletcher Ave., Tampa, FL 33613
Phone: (813) 396-0711; E-Mail: bheckmann@usf.edu
URL: www.heckmannlab.com